Software Engineering
Most of the projects I've done have been proprietary so I can't post them online, but here are some of my personal projects I can mention. I'm currently working at a start up as a backend Javascript engineer. However, if you need any of my software services for quick projects, send an email to for any questions you may have.
Personal Projects
- Lenox Group Platform
- Jancoin (Created unique ERC721 tokens based on amalgamated, AI generated text based off Trump and Nietzche quotes).
- Steven Hawking text generated by AI then used as lyrics for a piece of classical music. This was done with using a similar AI as Jancoin, except the data that was used was cleaned and presented in totally different ways.
- This website itself! I made it using GatsbyJS in conjunction with Graphql/React in order to get some experience with these popular JS tools.
My specialty is Python, but I've currently been primarily programming in Javascript since ~August 2018. I currently have 3 years of software engineering work experience.
Framework/Language Experience:
Python 3
- Django
- Jupyter Notebook
- Numpy, Pandas, other data science tools...
- Tensorflow
- Conda
- Pip
- Peer mentor at the NYC Python Meetup
- Serverless/Lambda
- Node
- React
- GraphQL
- Jquery
- Jest
- ES6 & ES7 syntax
- NPM/Yarn
- A great understanding of the prototype chain and how that gives us access to OOP designs
- Active community member of the Build With Code NYC JS Meetup
- ERC20 contracts
- ERC721 contracts
- Tons of Selenium automation and testing scripts written in a variety of languages (Python, Javascript, and Java)
- Git, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Sourcetree
- VSCode, Intellij, Sublime
- Terminal
- Bash
- Virtual Machines, Docker,
- C++
- Go
- Standard front end languages- HTML, CSS, etc..
And so on... Probably forgetting some things but I've dipped my hands in a handy amount of full stack utilities.